Perhaps the real reason I haven't blogged for an entire semester is because of this thing called the BIG Event. The BIG Event is a student run community service day sponsored that exists as Auburn University's way of saying thank you to the community for being such an incredible place to live and learn. This year over 3200 students spread out all over Auburn, Opelika, and surrounding communities to participate in a variety of activities such as yard work, painting, and cleaning. Ok, I can spit out those few sentences in my sleep. What I really want to write about is how much I've learned through working on it. I was blessed to serve as Assistant Director this past year with an incredible team.
These three kept me sane, and have become almost like siblings! That's Patrick, me, Kyla, and Robert (L to R). All the late nights, interviews, and meetings would have been way less hilarious without them. We were selected in March 2011, and have been working for an entire year to make the event happen! I can honestly say that I have learned more from the BIG Event than I have in any of my classes. I learned practical things, like how to run a meeting and write a press release. I also learned more than I even know about how to relate to people. I worked with countless different personalities. In October we chose about 80 project coordinators and staff. I loved getting to meet and work with all these people! I had so many good conversations about everything under the sun! I was in charge of all the publicity, which meant that I coordinated volunteer recruitment. During that week the Lord reminded me that every single word and attitude and action is a chance to either glorify him, or ruin my witness. Whether I like it or not, as a Christian, I represent him in every interaction. This seems simple, but I guess it took having people watch my every move to remember it!
Now to the actual event. This picture above is from Kick-off, when we got to talk to all 3200 volunteers! At this point, Kyla and I had a combined 8 hours of sleep over 3 days. I never, ever want to do that again. Somehow though, after lots of people bringing food, a few tears, and a nap on the student center couches (ew!) we made it to March 24th! The day of the BIG Event was SO much fun. It was incredible to see all our hard work paying off. I love the picture above because Robert is talking to Patrick while Kyla is talking. Typical.
Since I didn't get to do any hands on work, here's a picture to prove that it got done! A group of my friends was at Loachapoka Elementary School. I guess they are proud of their pile of trash. So many people worked so hard, and people all over the community are incredibly thankful!
Above is a picture of Kyla and I with Mrs. Sullen, the principal at Notasulga High School. That was another one of our major sites. Patrick planned the landscaping. The school looks so different! It has been fun to hear stories from other volunteers. More than anything, I am thankful for the countless relationships formed and developed. I am thankful for all the Lord taught me about selflessness, hard work, and leadership. I am not going to know what to do with myself next year. Free time. I think I like the sound of that!
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